What was I Thinking?
What was I Thinking?
It really seemed like the ideal gift to get our parents for their anniversary. We were going to take all the kids to a professional photographer and get a group shot of all of us. We figured out a way to sneak out of the house with all seven little ones in toe. We set up an appointment at Destin photography studio. We even remembered to pack matching jeans and white t-shirts for everyone. I knew this was going to be one very unique picture and one that mom and dad were going to love.
Let me break it down for you. The picture was to be of myself and my three siblings and their combined seven children. It actually sounded like a fun day – all the kids, driving into town, doing the photography thing, maybe grabbing a bite to eat. Going home would be even better – bringing the proofs home to present to mom and dad. Really, the day almost could not be more perfect. Read more…