The calming effect of beach wedding photography

Posted by admin on Mar 24, 2011 in Destin Photographers

A beach wedding is meant to get you in your natural element, and this also makes you look more natural in the pictures. The sea is known for its effect to calm your anxious nerves. And that is probably why the pictures taken with beach wedding photography are so successful.


 And then, calming gets pushed away by the wilde side..


Sorry Harvey..

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Link Partners

Posted by agtile on Mar 23, 2011 in Business Resources


Business inks and Online Resources:

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Being Business Partner with Your Spouse Comes with Challenges Yet It Can Be Quite Rewarding

Posted by agtile on Mar 22, 2011 in Family Photography

Working-with-Your-SpouseMy husband and I like working together.

But from comments made over the years by several co-workers, I fear that if some couples tried working together it could lead to the end of the marriage, if not the end of one or both spouses. Read more…

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Destin Florida Dog Show

Posted by agtile on Mar 21, 2011 in Family Photography, Nature Photography, Pictures of Puppies

I considered it a feather in my cap when my Destin, Florida photography studio was chosen to be the photographers of the Destin dog show. I knew that a lot of Destin photographers had bid for the job and was simply thrilled that my two photographers and I had been chosen to take the pictures. I did not really think the job would be all that hard.weimaraner puppy show
I mean, how hard could it be to snap photography shots of a bunch of dogs and their owners? Boy was I wrong.
The event was held on the 4th of July a busy enough day in any Florida town. So the first problem was the heat and the humidity. It was simply sweltering. I am sure a lesser photographer would have given in to the heat and humidity which made the dog park smell…..less than appealing. Not me. I was going to do my job as the photographer of choice at the Destin Dog Show. Read more…

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Filming an Underwater Wedding

Posted by admin on Mar 20, 2011 in Beach Weddings

As a Destin, Florida photography studio owner, I am generally kept busy with people who are looking for a good photographer for weddings, parties and babies. I generally enjoy my photography work, but every now and then something truly unusual comes along that makes me question the sanity of my clients.under-water-wedding-3

My favorite client story has to be the time I was asked to photograph and underwater wedding. I guess a lot of photographers from the Destin area had turned the job down. Not me though! I am game for just about anything. I figured I would be all right.  Resources

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Sure Dad, I Designed you a Website

Posted by admin on Mar 19, 2011 in Family Photography


destin steakhouse

A couple of weeks ago, my mother asked me to help her plan a birthday party for my father. She wanted to hold it at a Destin Steakhouse that my father loved. My dad owns local photography studio in Destin Florida, so my thought was that we should some of his favorite photographers to create collages of his life. I thought they would be a nice way to decorate the steakhouse. My mother agreed. We only had one problem – how to contact any of the photographers without my dad knowing what we were doing. Read more…

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Falling Photographs and Butterfly’s

Posted by admin on Mar 18, 2011 in Nature Photography

Falling Photographs and Butterfly’s


I am famous for my road trips. The type of girl who will, on a whim, jump in the car and just go. I never really have a plan; I just like to see where the wind will blow me. Recently, I have been traveling out from my Destin, Florida home in search of things to practice my latest obsession – photography. I am under the tutelage of a Destin Florida photography teacher who has this weird obsession with movement in pictures. He believes that a good photographer should be able to capture the feeling of movement in their pictures. Read more…

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Sandcastles by the Sea

Posted by admin on Mar 17, 2011 in Beach Weddings

Sandcastles by the Sea


I had been happily married for nearly 25 years when my husband asked me to participate in a vow renewals ceremony. I was touched that he had thought of something so sweet. When we married the first time, money was very tight, so we had one of the budget beach weddings in Destin, Florida. This time, I did not need to look for an inexpensive wedding package. We were comfortable enough to hire a Destin wedding planner and have the vow renewals ceremony of our dreams.

My husband has a very unique hobby; he participates in sand castle competitions. He and several friends travel to two or three competitions each year. They are held at various beaches throughout the country. The sand castles they create are not simple sand and bucket creations, they are truly works of art and often include moving pieces. I wanted to use his passion as a basis for our vow renewals ceremony. Our wedding coordinator in Destin had plenty of ideas on how to incorporate sand castles into our wedding theme.

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What was I Thinking?

Posted by agtile on Mar 16, 2011 in Family Photography

What was I Thinking?

It really seemed like the ideal gift to get our parents for their anniversary. We were going to take all the kids to a professional photographer and get a group shot of all of us. We figured out a way to sneak out of the house with all seven little ones in toe. We set up an appointment at Destin photography studio. We even remembered to pack matching jeans and white t-shirts for everyone. I knew this was going to be one very unique picture and one that mom and dad were going to love.All Kids Family Photograph

Let me break it down for you. The picture was to be of myself and my three siblings and their combined seven children. It actually sounded like a fun day – all the kids, driving into town, doing the photography thing, maybe grabbing a bite to eat. Going home would be even better – bringing the proofs home to present to mom and dad. Really, the day almost could not be more perfect. Read more…

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Blueprint Photography

Posted by agtile on Mar 15, 2011 in Fourth of July Accomodations

Blueprint Photography
So, I recently moved to Florida and discovered something completely new about my mother – she has an odd habit of rearranging my furniture whenever she comes to visit. The first time she visited our home in Seaside Florida, she stayed for just a few days. It was not until after she left that I realized that several of my belongings were not where I usually kept them. I did not think much of it, simply moved them back into place ad went on about my daily life. The next time she came to visit, I had to go to work – I am a photographer at a local photography studio – when I cam home I was missing my blue couch – and entire couch! I thought that was a bit odd and when I questioned her; she simply explained that it looked better in the den than it did it the family room.


Now, I am a nice daughter and had no intention of offending my mother who I knew had the best of intentions in mind when she decided to redecorate my home. Still, I like my things the way I like them, so I decided to wait until she left and just put everything back, which is exactly what I did… Read more…

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